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The Devil's Science


Excerpts Page 3

Justin: It’s like some kind of movie.

Me: I paid the bill, Justin. Must be a fuse or something.

Justin: Have you not been watching TV?

Me: No, I just came from the shrink you said I needed to see so badly, and he was a total dick and tried to—

Justin: The Voyager probe sent back a message.

Me: Yeah, I know all about that. It looked back and could not find our solar system. NASA thinks it’s just a glitch.

Justin: No, it sent back a text message, in which they’re claiming the probe is not even designed to be able to do.

Me: A text message? I did not hear about that. When did this happen?

Justin: It just came over all the news stations about thirty minutes ago. My boss let everyone go home early.

Me: What did this text message say?

Justin: It said, “Prepare for us and our arrival. Prepare yourself and your families. Prepare for death.”



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